The Piscedos Project

Empowering Farmers in Kenya
Siginga Beach of Lake Victoria, Kenya
Project Story
Lake Victoria’s centuries-long fishing culture has been devastated over recent decades as a result of exploitation by Western interests and environmental degradation. The Piscedos Project, initiated by community leader Valentine Okoth, is aimed at economic empowerment and socio-cultural sustainable management of available natural resources by introducing fish farming of tilapia at Siginga Beach of Lake Victoria. The Piscedos Project endeavors to be a self-sustaining, communally responsible entity that responds to the plight of a people robbed of their livelihood through climate change and excessive strain on available natural resources.
As a result of their Purpose Earth grant, The Piscedos Project staff have been able to receive the necessary training, and successfully acquire the fingerlings (baby fish) needed to launch into motion. There are now 15,000 fish being raised in two cages that will be harvested in early 2022. Caretakers of the fish also provide security for the project. Grant funds contribute to the salaries, 6 of whom are sole wage-earners to their families.

“We seek to be efficient in our model, and bear the greatest social responsibility to the people we seek to serve in bettering our lives and the lives of our future generations in a sustainable aquatic environment.”

- Valentine Okoth, Founder and Community Leader

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