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Bimbia River near Tiko, Cameroon


Addressing the environmental challenges from climate change and human activities, this reforestation project is focused on restoring the mangrove ecosystem along the Bimbia River in Tiko, Cameroon. The Community-Based Mangrove Restoration project engages the local community in reforestation, climate resilience, and sustainable livelihoods to positively impact both the environment and community well-being.


Through the support of a $8,900 Purpose Earth grant,

the Community-Based Mangrove

Restoration project will be able to purchase mangrove saplings and cover the cost for site preparation and planting materials, as well as biodiversity surveys and data collection. The project will also be able to expand its outreach to include workshops and community training programs to develop sustainability initiatives such as eco-tourism and sustainable fishing practices.

“With the support of the Purpose Earth grant, we are poised to transform Tiko's future and safeguard its natural heritage. Community-Based Mangrove Restoration is not just about planting trees; it is a collective effort to forge a sustainable path that harmonizes nature and humanity. By rejuvenating the mangrove ecosystem, empowering the community, and fostering environmental awareness, we envision a thriving, resilient Tiko that sets a shining example for coastal communities worldwide.”


- Project Leader, Anya Dabite Abeh

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